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National Black Church Initiative Foreclosure Prevention Guide .pdf [28kb] Requires Adobe Acrobat
  • Information on how to keep your home
  • State-by-state lists of housing counseling agencies

Current NBCI Programs

National Black Church Initiative News Archives

The National Black Church Initiative Message of Hope and Assurance During This Economic Crisis
Watch video and listen to sermons with messages of divine hope and assurance delivered through revelation from God to His clergy for all the people. God’s message of hope and assurance is for believers and non-believers alike.
Prominent African-American Clergy Backing Abuse Legislation
The National Organization for Women and prominent African-American clergy threw their support behind a bill that would lift limitations statutes on lawsuits alleging sexual abuse of children.
AG-Eric-Holder NBCI Requests Meeting with Attorney General Eric H. Holder to Discuss Violence in and Towards Religious Institutions in America.pdf [64kb]
Religious institutions are now at risk from violence from those looking to strike fear amongst the most vulnerable target, underlining their contempt for civil as well as religious law.
newsmakers-logoNational Black Church Initiative featured on Comcast Newsmakers
Reverend Anthony Evans discusses NBCI and its efforts against foreclosure.

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Other Current NBCI Projects

Help Preserve the History of the
Black Church

The National Black Church Initiative is working with the Smithsonian Institute to help preserve and protect the First African Baptist Church, the oldest Black Baptist church in America.