Provided by the Homeownership Preservation Foundation
National Black Church Initiative is a subsidiary
of the DC Black Church Initiative
Homeowners can Survive the Current Housing Crisis - A Step
by Step Guide
This user-friendly booklet is designed to provide congregants and the public with critical and helpful information on how to keep their home.
This step-by-step guide will also help them to identify resources in the housing industry that have been created for the explicit purpose of assisting homeowners who are touched by the current difficulties. The booklet contains websites, phone numbers, lists of individuals and institutions that can help borrowers navigate through this housing turbulence.
The National Black Church Initiative
Housing Literacy Program
NEW! National Black Church Initiative Presents the "One Stop Housing Resource Center"
Ten easy steps for saving your home from foreclosure and getting assistance.
National Black Church Initiative Foreclosure Prevention Guide
Requires Adobe Acrobat free
This user-friendly booklet is designed to provide
congregants and the public with critical and helpful
information on how to keep their home. The booklet
will consist of a list of government-based agencies
and private lenders that can assist at risk borrowers.
This step-by-step guide will also help them to
identify resources in the housing industry that have
been created for the explicit purpose of assisting
homeowners who are touched by the current
difficulties. The booklet contains websites, phone
numbers, lists of individuals and institutions that
can help borrowers navigate through this housing
Order this booklet for the residents of your state, county or city now! - Call 1-202-744-0184
Reverend Anthony Evans discusses NBCI and its efforts against foreclosure on Comcast Newsmakers
HOPE for Homeowners
The HOPE for Homeowners program refinances mortgages for borrowers having difficulty making payments, but can afford a new loan insured by HUD's Federal Housing Administration (FHA).
Call 1(800) 225-5342 for more information.
Housing Counseling Services and Agencies
State-by-state lists of housing counseling agencies throughout the country that can provide free or low cost advice on buying a home, renting, defaults, foreclosures, credit issues, and reverse mortgages.
Click here to find a Housing Counselor
The National Black Church Initiative
Housing Literacy Program is sponsored by these organizations...