National Black Church Initiative is a subsidiary
of the DC Black Church Initiative
The National Black Church Initiative
Current Programs
National Black Church Initiative Announces
$20 Recession Campaign
The National Black Church Initiative (NBCI) has announced a $20 fund raising campaign for all churches throughout the country. We are asking every church to donate only $20 to our Recession Campaign Fund. The funds will be used to aid families, churches, the homeless, the unemployed and all of those affected by this recession regardless of race or religious belief.
We have never experienced such a down turn in the economy, in the stock market, in 401Ks, in the rapid rate of the foreclosure of homes, or this level of greed from Wall Street any time in our nation’s history. We believe that if every church donates only $20 to us we will have an emergency recession fund that can be the critical difference between a family getting help and a family losing hope.
As you know, we released a statement on hope on our website ( just this past summer as the downturn of the economy was taking root. Our message was simple and powerful, and said that everyone should not lose hope and should utilize the richness of their religious teachings and faith to sustain them through this crisis. Since then we have seen nothing but tragedy litter our streets and our communities.
After this economic down turn Mr. Irving A. Lupoe, of California, since losing his job, killed himself and five of his family members because he did not have any hope in himself, in his community, in God and in the church. We are called to be God’s light and hope in an increasingly dark world. We are asking all churches to simply send $20 to us to make sure that when they call us we will be able to respond to their desperate needs.