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NBCI Health Television

Seven Steps - Raising Healthy Children Raising Healthy Children: A Guide for African American Families
American Academy of Pediatrics and The Congress of National Black Churches

NFL player Ronde Barber, photographer Shari Belafonte, and former Surgeon General David Satcher, MD offer 7 steps for learning, nutrition, regular exercise, and more.
The Health Benefits of Fruits and Vegetables: A Scientific Overview The research behind eating more fruits and vegetables
The Black Church and the Importance of Good Nutrition
What the black church needs to
say to its congregations
about good nutrition.
How Science-based and Community-based
Organizations May
Work with the
Black Church

Producing Effective
Health Promotion
and Policy Initiatives
NBCI Declares WAR on Tobacco, Smoking and Tobacco
African American
Leaders Call on
Tobacco Industry
to Stop Targeting
Their Community

Links to Minority Health Resources

NBCI Declares a National Health Emergency in the Black Church

Health Emergency Declaration (HED)

Helping an Overweight Child

Girl jumping over girl with dreads

Helping Your Overweight Child, by the NIDDK Weight-Control Information Network

An online brochure with advice for parents and a list of additional resources. Made available by the International Food Information Council Foundation.

The Weight-control Information Network

The Weight-Control Information Network has numerous publications as well as information about finding obesity treatment available through its Web site.

American Obesity Association

This Web site has a good section (with many useful links) on the health risks, diagnosis, and treatment of child obesity.

School Health and Nutrition Policies

Girl ladling soup

Guidelines for School Health Programs to Promote Lifelong Healthy Eating

This report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention summarizes strategies for promoting healthy eating among school-age children and adolescents and provides nutrition education guidelines for a comprehensive school health program.

The School Health Index

A self-assessment and planning tool from the CDC that schools can use to improve policies on health and safety. Also useful for parents trying to strengthen school programs on food and physical activity.

Limiting the Marketing of Products to Children

boy sitting on couch

The Role of Media in Childhood Obesity

Program devised by the Kaiser Family Foundation, a nonprofit organization is known for its research on health policy issues.

Association of National Advertisers

A trade organization of more than 300 companies that collectively spend over $100 billion on marketing and advertising. On the ANA homepage, there is a link to a "white paper" describing the industry's self-regulation guidelines for food advertising and positions on current legislative and regulatory issues.

Commercialism in Education Research Unit

Web site directed by Alex Molnar, a professor of education policy at Arizona State University. The center does both research and advocacy; its Web site contains a roundup of news about efforts opposing commercialism in schools in various parts of the country.

Commercial Alert

Web site of a nonprofit organization, cofounded by Ralph Nader, whose mission statement says it aims "to keep the commercial culture within its proper sphere, and to prevent it from exploiting children."

Campaign for a Commerical-Free Childhood (CCFC

The Web site of the Campaign for a Commerical-Free Childhood (CCFC), formerly known as Stop Commercial Exploitation of Children (SCEC). Run by Boston psychologist Susan Linn, whose book is listed above, CCFC describes itself as a national coalition of health care professionals, educators, advocacy groups, and parents dedicated to countering the harmful effects of marketing to children.

Center for Science in the Public Interest

Web site of the nonprofit Washington-based lobbying and advocacy group, best known for its long-standing activism on the nutritional content and marketing of fast food. Provides information on nutrition issues and policy initiatives.